I Can Has a Blog: Yes, I’m geekier than you thought.

2010 is only a few hours away and while I believe that the concept of New Year’s Resolutions is flawed and ridiculous, what better than blogging to resolute to for the new year?

I’ve been in Paris a whole 4 months and I think Silicon Valley may still be in denial about the French having a word for entrepreneur. And after LeWeb’s annual US-Europe showdown, I thought I would add a bit of fuel to the fire.

So TechBaguette will be a bit of banter about the local tech and start-up ecosystem in Paris, France – and of course any entrepreneurs I come across. I’ll naturally include some Belgians, Swiss and any Luxembourgers too.

I’ll be changing my Twitter account from “Truc de ouf” to TechBaguette to match (RIP trucdeouf) and my posts will go to my Linkedin page, for starters.

And one more thing, I love comments, questions, suggestions, etc. So bring on whatever horrid things you have to say, please. 🙂

I wish everyone a very Happy New Year, Bonne Année and here is a link in case you’d like to join Paris in the countdown online: http://31decembreaparis.com/

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